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Cascade Medical Center continues to be fully operational and our health care team stands ready to respond to any injury, infection or illness. The COVID-19 epidemic has prompted us to put special precautions and readiness into place, so that we can keep the community and our staff safe and healthy. Here are a few things you should know:

  • If you are severely ill, call 911 or come to the Emergency Room. If you are having trouble breathing or have shortness of breath, call 911 or come to the ER.
  • If you think you may have COVID, call your primary care provider for advice.  They will ask you questions about symptoms and exposure so as to best direct you.  If your PCP is at Cascade Medical Center, call 208-382-4285.
  • If you are sick, we are here to help you. Call to schedule an appointment or just to let us know you are coming in to the walk-in clinic. Clinic: 208-382-4285. Hospital: 208-382-4242.
  • If you are experiencing a cough and/or fever, or have had a new loss of taste/smell, or have had unexplained diarrhea, please call us so that we can triage you by phone. Depending on your symptoms, exposure to other sick people, and recent travel history – we will advise you on next steps. If the conclusion is that you should come in, then we may have you stay in your car and call us when you get to our parking lot and wait for us in your car. We will go to the car in our protective gear, hand you a mask and hand sanitizer, and conduct the exam at the car.
  • If you are sick with only mild symptoms, stay home. Don’t send your kids to school sick. Don’t go to work sick.
  • If you have an appointment but decide to cancel, please call and tell us. That way we know not to expect you and we can make room for others.

Please know that our providers, nurses, and staff continuously train and prepare to take great care of our patients. In response to the current situation, we have set up a telemedicine exam room so that we can conduct confidential/secure patient visits over phone/video if the provider thinks that is appropriate given the patient’s needs. We have also developed contingency plans for small, medium, and large outbreak scenarios which address equipment, supplies, staffing, and expanding medical operations. I think we are as well or better prepared as anyone at this time.

Please continue to follow the advice we’re all getting to keep ourselves healthy:

  • Wash your hands often, for 20 seconds with warm water. Get all the nooks and crannies. Use a 60%+ alcohol based hand sanitizer between washings.
  • Cover your cough with a tissue or elbow (not your hands). Keep your hands away from your mouth, eyes, and face.
  • Stay away from sick people. Stay home if you’re sick.
  • Stay informed with reliable sources, such as those listed below:

Finally – stay positive. Look out for your neighbors. Deliver food and treats to those shut-in or self-quarantined. Let us know how we can help. We’re all in this together.